Sleep Hygiene
How many hours and when? Try to be awake as much as possible during sunlight hours as the vitamin D is very important to good mental health
Make sure to eat breakfast, and food that is as nutritious as possible. Good nutrition will significantly affect how you feel. This is the time and the opportunity to take the time to make healthy meals and try out new recipes. Try connecting with other on a cooking/recipe sharing app!
Personal Development
Take on new projects/hobbies. What is something that you have been meaning to try for awhile but haven’t had the time? (i.e. redecorating your room, painting your walls, refinishing furniture, cleaning out your closet, trying photography, art, new makeup looks, writing, knitting etc.)
Are there new social media aps you could try, new interest based group chats to enter? Are there people you haven’t spoken to in a while that you can reconnect with? Maybe start having phone or video chat conversations with friends that you normally would only text with.
Physical Activity
Just five minutes a day can make a big difference in how you look and especially in how you feel! In fact, 30 minutes of exercise can have a similar effect on the brain as an anti-depressant. There are thousands of different YouTube workout videos of all different types. Try a new one each day, or find one you like and stick to it. Going for a walk or run outside is also always a great option (as long as social distancing is respected). Once it is nice out, you could also work on developing your basketball, soccer, or street hockey skills!
News Media
Try to limit or eliminate your exposure to news media. One if the biggest ways to conquer anxiety is to focus on what you can control vs. what you can’t control. Make a list of these things. What is happening in the rest of the world is out of your control so try not to focus on it. Instead, you can control how you spend your day (within your home of course), what you think about and focus on and do with your time
Managing worries
It is easy to let our thoughts go to all kinds of “what ifs” in uncertain times like these. Focus on what is PROBABLE instead going to any worse case scenarios. Use anxiety management, mindfulness, and meditation apps or videos if you need to help calm your anxious feelings and thoughts. .
Find Positives and Use Humour
Finding small things to be joyful about and appreciate and things to laugh at can be an excellent distraction and mood booster! Find funny videos online or funny meme accounts to follow on Instagram. Everyone is in a similar situation right now, and lots of people out there are finding the humour involved in the daily life of self-isolation!
Routine is a very important part of humans’ happiness and ability to cope.Create a daily routine that encompasses as many of the elements mentioned above, and try to follow it as much and as closely as possible. Use daily journal apps that remind you to track your activities and moods each day.